Message from "Our Beautiful Blessêd Mother" Relating to Her Complete Passion & Way of The Holy Cross (Formerly The Stations of The Cross)

“My Dear Faithful Children, I your Heavenly Mother, “Invite” all of My Children in Perth to Join Me along “The Road to My Belovéd Son’s Calvary” as My Faithful Child Carries His “Cross” alongside Me.

I Dearly wish for My Children throughout the World to “Witness” what I, your Heavenly Mother, “Witnessed” on the day My Belovéd Son, your Heavenly Saviour, was so Brutally “Crucified”, as He Emptied out All His Love to My Children Throughout the World, Past, Present and Future, From His “Sacred Heart”, through His Immense “Suffering” for the “Redemption” of Sins of My Children, again, Past, Present and Future.

I also Dearly wish for My Children throughout the World to be able to “Feel” what I, your Heavenly Mother “Felt” on that “Good Friday” as I “Witnessed” and “Felt” every “Pang” of “Agonising Pain” as My Belovéd Son was so “Humiliatingly” Put to Death on His “Cross on Calvary”

However, My Dear Faithful Children, I also Dearly wish for you to both “Witness” and “Feel” the “Suffering” and “Sacrifice” that My Belovéd Son, your Heavenly Saviour is Enduring, as a Result of the “Sins” that My Children of the World today are committing, which I, your Heavenly Mother, am “Witnessing” and “Feeling” on the very day that you Walk with Me, on “The Road to My Belovéd Son’s Calvary”, and this in order that My Children of the World today, might gain a Deeper Understanding of How Much “Pain” and Suffering” that My Belovéd Son Endures as a Direct Result of “Sin”, the “Sins” of today!”