Our Blesséd Mother's Messages

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with great pleasure and indeed great Joy and Humility, that I would like to both Reveal and Share the wonderful news of “Our Blesséd Mothers”contact with me, and subsequent Invitation for me to become a “Messenger” for Her, to pass on “Our Blesséd Mother’s” Messages from Heaven.

This beautiful experience first manifested itself, following a very stressful period in my life, following my endeavour, to fulfil the final wish of a very Dear and Special Friend, relating to a “Memoriam Mass”, (which I initially, incorrectly titled as “Requiem Mass”), that this Dear“Lady”, an immensely “Dedicated”, Devotee of “Blesséd Mother”, had requested of me, before she left us, to join “Our Blesséd Mother”, and “Our Blesséd Lord”, in Heaven.

Unfortunately, however, through a variety of circumstances, among them, most distressing to me, was the determination of the Priest who I first approached, relating to this “Lady's”, wishes, in not allowing me to fulfil the wishes of this Dear friend, as “She”, had requested, had led me, to build up a most unhealthy and totally out of character, for me, Bitterness and Resentment, towards this Priest.

As a result of these dreadful feelings of Bitterness, almost bordering onto Hatred, that had developed within me for this Priest, something so totally “alien”, to me, I simply had to try and find help, for me to be able to both cope with and overcome this emotional pain.

Knowing of only one source, that I had always relied on in the past, whenever I was experiencing difficulties, I once again, turned to this Beautiful comforting source, through my Prayers, namely “Our Blesséd Mother”.

My Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, I turned to “Our Blesséd Mother”, because I have been so fortunate, to have been made aware of “Our Blesséd Mother” and Her Love for all Her“Children” on earth, at an early stage in my childhood.

Even more fortunate still, I had been taught about the “Rosary”, which up until about Six years ago, I would, from time to time, use in Prayer to “Our Blesséd Mother”, usually whenever I was experiencing particularly significant difficulties.

About six ago, however, I became aware of a special “Devotion” to “Our Blesséd Mother”, namely, the Cenacle of Prayers, and through this “Devotion”, I was then enlightened about “Our Blesséd Mother's” request at “Fatima”, for all of us to pray the “Rosary” every Day.

It is only since that enlightenment, that I have been making every endeavour, to carry out “Our Blesséd Mother's” request, although in all honesty, with varying levels of success and failure.

However, I am pleased to admit that over the past six years or so, with the help of the “Holy Rosary” of the “Blesséd Virgin Mary”, I have, been able to develop a most “Beautiful”, and “Spiritually Intimate” relationship with “Our Blesséd and Heavenly Mother”, which has now culminated in this Heavenly and Blesséd Manifestation, with “Our Blesséd Mother” coming to me personally, through the Sacred Mystery, which I have since, learnt of, as being,“Inner Locution”.

For this Honour, I can never be thankful enough to “Our Blesséd Mother”, as I still feel totally unworthy to have received “Our Blesséd Mother's” Blessings, in this most Special and Beautiful of ways.